Tuesday, March 6, 2012

How install the BPEL features via Feature Manager

This blog post explains how to install BPEL specific features to WSO2 ESB.

Tested Environment
  • WSO2 ESB 4.0.2 (Based on WSO2 Carbon 3.2.2 release)

If you consider WSO2 products like WSO2 BPS, WSO2 ESB, WSO2 AS etc. all those products can be considered as a collection of solution specific features included on top of WSO2 Carbon platform. As an example, WSO2 BPS is a collection of features which facilitate BPEL process/instance management, BPEL process runtime management etc. included on top of some other features provided by WSO2 Carbon platform. So theoretically you can convert a WSO2 Carbon distribution to WSO2 BPS by including those BPEL specific features.

How to determine the correct BPEL version compliant with the target server
We can do this easily via the feature manager provided by WSO2 Carbon platform. Here, the tricky part is user have to specify the correct version of BPEL feature to be installed on target server. This is solely depend on the version of the WSO2 Carbon platform in which the target server was released. Let me elaborate this with an example. eg - To install BPEL features to WSO2 ESB 4.0.2, first find the related WSO2 Carbon platform version. This can be determined by the version of $ESB-HOME/repository/components/plugins/org.wso2.carbon.core-x.x.x.jar. So if WSO2 ESB 4.0.2 is the target server, then the version of org.wso2.carbon.core jar would be 3.2.2. So the relevant BPEL feature version is 3.2.2.

Step by step guide to install a feature via feature manager
Once we figure out the right BPEL feature version we can add it via the Feature Manager. Please refer the following documentation on how to install a feature via feature manager. Once all the BPEL 3.2.2 features are installed in WSO2 ESB 4.0.2 and once the server restarted, there’ll be a separate menu item is appeared for BPEL features as follows.

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