Monday, January 30, 2012

Diving into the blue - Sri Lanka

I was diving in a 10-12 meters depth of down the ocean floor where roughly 1km away from Hikkaduwa coast line. My ultimate target was to capture some cool pics of coral reefs and fish. So I stopped for a while and took some and moved on. After a few seconds I got a bad leg cramp and I looked around for my buddy for the help. At that moment I just realized my buddy has already swam out of my visible range. It was also dangerous to swim to surface suddenly due to huge pressure difference. I waited for a while and little by little reached to the surface. I met my buddy there and he helped me to recover back.
That’s my most recent experience and a foolish mistake I made while diving.
Sometimes unexpected could happen anytime. On the same dive some thing that happened to me twice was, the camera in my hand was tangled with the air regulator without knowing and the regulator popped out from the mouth when I swung the hand :).
And here are some uncut clips from the dive.

Anyway there’s a whole new world under the ocean. But it’s something hard to predict from outside and feel it. You have to go underwater and see what’s out there.

Getting things ready

Horizontal Format Data Mining with Extended Bitmaps - Extended version

We (Buddhika De Alwis, Supun Malinga, Kathiravelu Pradeeban and I) published the extended version of our research paper titled “Horizontal Format Data Mining with Extended Bitmaps” at International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications.
You can find it from .

Initial publication can be found from here and the presentation from here.

Related Posts : Horizontal Format Data Mining with Extended Bitmaps 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

2012 has arrived

2012 has arrived. It’s quite late but a belated Happy new year everybody!. My 2012 started with my friends and some Kiribath.

Starting 2012 at WSO2 was also a decent gathering of all folks at WSO2 LK office. It’s more than one year since I joined WSO2 and I always freshen up by learning something new everyday.

Aha, One small good thing on the side about WSO2 is, it’s within walking distance to Lionel Wendt art theatre. No, not kidding. During last three days, I watched three plays by Jayalath Manorathne at Lionel Wendt. It helps me to see things that I don’t see or to remember things that I forgot.

Related post - Happy new year Sri Lanka-2010!